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I Keep My Hands to Myself
Words and Music © 2020 Kayte Deioma, BMI

I keep my hands to myself
I keep my hands to myself.
Everyone needs a little personal space
So I keep my hands to myself.

I keep my feet to myself
I keep my feet to myself.
Everyone needs a little personal space
So I keep my feet to myself.

Repeat using

Optional Bridge
I don't touch other people's stuff
Unless I have permission 
So keep your hands off me and mine
And we'll all get along just fine.

Final Verse
I keep my self to myself
I keep my self to myself.
Everyone needs a little personal space
So I keep my hands to my, keep my feet to my, keep myself to myself.

Alt Final Verse
We'll keep our hands to ourselves.
We'll keep our hands to ourselves.
Everyone needs a little personal space
So we'll keep our hands to our, keep our feet to our keep our selves to ourselves


Pandemin/Cold/Flu Version

I keep my hands to myself
I keep my hands to myself.
I help keep everyone healthy and safe
When I keep my hands to myself.

Repeat with

I wash my hands and don't touch my face
I keep my social distance
So you keep your germs, I'll keep mine
And we'll all get along just fine. 

Final Verse
We'll keep our germs to ourselves 
We'll keep our germs to ourselves 
We'll help keep everyone healthy and safe
When we keep our hands to our, keep our cough to our, keep our sneeze to our, keep our germs to ourselves. 

Alt Final Verse
I keep my self to myself
I keep my self to myself.
I help keep everyone healthy and safe
When I keep my hands to my, keep my cough to my, keep my sneeze to my, keep myself to myself.

I wrote the original version of this song at the request of a preschool teacher. The first bridge I wrote was:
"I don't touch other people's stuff unless I have permission
So keep your hands off me and mine
And we'll all get along just fine."

When we used it in the classroom, interestingly, it was the perfect example of the Law of Attraction. During the verses, kids would pull their body parts close to themselves and follow the directions,  but when I would sing the bridge, "I don't touch other people's stuff," they instantly wanted to be touching other people's stuff, including my guitar while I was playing. Like the law of  attraction, you get what you focus on. They don't perceive the "don't." They just hear "touch other people's stuff." So I rewrote it to the current "original version" to be more proactive.

I sometimes change "personal space" to "bubble space" or another phrase used in a specific preschool classroom.

I wrote the second version for a series of video classes I did during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it also works for cold and flu season in general.