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Leap Frog
Words and Music © 2018 Kayte Deioma, BMI

5 little frogs went out for a swim
Mama frog lined them up to start jumping in
When the littlest frog went to the back of the line
Mama said you come up and wait for your time.

Leap frog, leap frog, they each jumped ahead
You'll all have a chance, their mama said.
If you wait your turn to try this stunt
The one in the back will end up in front.

So the littlest frog went back to his place
And watched as each brother jumped ahead of the race
When it was his turn, he finally knew
Even though he went last, he could be in front too.

Leap frog, leap frog, they each jumped ahead
You'll all have a chance, their mama said.
If you wait your turn to try this stunt
The one in the back will end up in front.