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The Tasting Song (I Take a Little Lick)
Words and Music © 2016 Kayte Deioma, BMI

I take a little lick. I take a little taste.
And if it's really yucky, I make a funny face.
I take a little bite, and then my tongue will know,
If it's really yummy, into my tummy it will go.

I like blueberries, juicy and sweet,
But red ones are sour and not good to eat.


Sometimes I like carrots and broccoli.
I have to taste them every time just to see.


I like to try new foods on my plate.
'Cause most of the time they're really great.


Notes for The Tasting Song

The Tasting Song is a handy little tune to pull out whenever you're trying to get your child to try a new food. I'm a picky eater myself, with lots of things I don't like. I wanted to also emphasize the idea that even if you didn't like something the first time you tried it, you might like it prepared a different way, or just on a different day. If the first carrot you tasted was an old bitter one, you wouldn't know that carrots are usually sweet, and you wouldn't want to try another one, so it's good to be up front that not every bite of the same thing tastes the same. Blueberries or strawberries are good practice for comparing sweet and sour, since you usually have a mix of both in any given batch.

You can change the verses to remind kids of other foods they like. It's also fun practicing your "yucky" faces and talking about when and where it's appropriate to make the yucky face (grandma might not appreciate it).